Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why Do We Still Not Have a Great #PIM for #GTD?

For 60 years, I've been looking for a great system to manage all the information that I collect in life.  A great system still eludes me, and apparently all others that I can find.  I use several apps and programs to do the best I can under the circumstances, using my Windows 10 computer, and Apple iPhone and iPad (and formerly, some Android ones too).  I've written earlier about some of the key ones, like TheBrain.

It would seem that with the availability of essentially unlimited server storage, and lots of artificial intelligence development, that there would be great personal information management systems and services available.  Do you know of any?

I recently discovered that David Allen, the creator of Getting Things Done or GTD fame, is also still pursuing the goal, but without satisfying completion; I've mentioned his earlier efforts previously.  The latest is reported as a GTD Summit in Amsterdam in 2019:

"The Ultimate GTD App – Part One

At the June 2019 GTD Summit, David Allen briefly shared a vision of the ultimate GTD app, which consists of 19 pages of hand-drawn drafts of the screens he would want to use. To expand on that topic, we recorded David talking with Eric Mack and John Forrister about the past, present, and future of GTD software. It’s a wide-ranging discussion with stories that will inform, entertain, and maybe even surprise you. This episode is part one of two. Start with this one and then listen to part two."

 One person, Bert Kruisdijk, has taken David Allen's sketches of the ideal GTD app from that conference, and claims to have converted concept to a working app.

"GTD’ers who attended the GTD Summit in Amsterdam know it . During the Summit @DavidAllen unveiled some of his sketches of the killer GTD app user interface and later he send it to the GTD community.
I was able to (copy) build the setup as indicated in the drawings of David Allen at the GTD summit and I do think it comes close to the concept of David Allen. It is working on iPhone, iPad and iMac (the first two with Shortcuts and the latter with Keyboard Maestro)."

Will we ever see it available for our own use?

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